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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Natural pest control for beginners

I think having great results straight away is key for new gardeners. That way a larger percentage will carry on encouraged by success growing more and more stuff and expanding into a bigger area sooner.

For success, firstly you should find out what grows well in your area, Maui has many microclimates so the things that grow well in Kula on the slopes of Haleakala may not grow at all in Heulo near the ocean.

Soil is very important. The healthier the soil, the healthier the plant which greatly reduces the likelyhood of attack from bugs and greatly increases the yields......If you were to just dig down and stick in a plant willy - nilly chances are you will end up with a very sad anemic looking veggie, on the other hand if you were to dig down nice and deep, say 18”-24”(Make sure you dig up the first 6” and set aside as it should go on the top mix, this is where most of the micro-organisms live and they help greatly in the growth of plants) mix in some organic compost, organic chicken poo and trace minerals and water daily when it’s hot and dry, then you should be well on your way to eating fresh, healthy home grown veggies…….

For a more indepth analysis on soil preperation and health, check out this link:

One of the main things new gardens need help with is the control of pests that want to eat the food before you do. As time goes by you will need less and less of this concoction until eventually you will need none at all, that is if you plant the right flowers and plants to attract the beneficial bugs that feast on the non-beneficials, the idea being that in a totally organic garden you will have a system of pest management where everybody gets to eat and forever!!! Sure you are going to lose a plant here or a leaf there, but in the grander scheme of things it’s really not a big deal. But before you get established beneficials in place, here is a natural pest control remedy the good people at Kula garden center gave me (I tweaked it a bit as the cayenne pepper clogged up my sprayer):

To 1 qt water add ½ t cayenne stir well and let steep for several hours and put through a sieve then add
1 t doctor Bronner’s peppermint soap
1 t Neem oil
½ cup rubbing alcohol (helps break up and spread the neem)

Put in a sprayer and spray your plants in the morning…..Bugs don’t like that muck!!!!

We really perk up our plants with a FREE gallon of compost tea which we got Friday at Eco-Island Supply. Check with them before you head down to make sure the offer is still available.

Eco-Island Supply
Backside of Haiku Market Place 
810 Haiku Rd #394 
Happy Eats

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